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  • Alle
  • Accounting
  • Bad Fallingbostel Branch
  • General management
  • Repairs/Technology/Production
  • Sales/Marketing/Training
  • Service
  • Spare parts & warehouse
  • Werneuchen / Seefeld Branch

Stefan Lindner

General Management
Sales Manager Europe
+497345 / 9614-0

Harald Doll

General Management
Sales Manager Export / Overseas
+497345 / 9614-0

Sven Ahlhorn

Sales area north
+495162 / 9819-42
+49175 / 26 13 015

Lars Parzanka

Sales Authority & special vehicles
+49170 / 920 67 24
+497345 / 96 14 51

Antonio del Rio

Sales Export/Overseas, Authority & Defence Vehicles
+497345 / 9614-56
+49 160 99 85 73 68

Alexander Wolf

Sales region south general agent
Wolf Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH
Jengener Straße 28
86807 Buchloe
+49 170 8180010
<a ...

Margareta Vogawitz

Accounting / Human Resources
+497345 / 9614-33

Caroline Lindner

Domestic sales / training
+497345 / 9614-29

Thomas Tamaschke

Export sales
+497345 / 9614-10

Heinz Klamt

Authorised representative
Purchasing / Materials management
+497345 / 9614-0

Alexander Rettich

Spare parts & warehouse
+497345 / 9614-16

Markus Frey

+497345 / 9614-48

Tobias Bendele

Construction & Development

Bruno Bösch

Authorised representative
Service & Repair
+497345 / 9614-26

Pawel Drazkowski

After Sales Service Export
+497345 / 9614 – 15

Michael Schultze

Homologation, SFI
+497345 / 9614 - 38

Kevin Freitag

Repair BW
+7345 / 9614-49

Marcel Sabeiczuck

+495162 / 9819 – 11

Joseph Dezsi

Production Export
+49 7345 / 9614 - 39

Heike Eichenfels

Switchboard / Spare parts sales
+4933398 / 15423 – 0 ...

Marc-Tobias Jung

+49 7345 9614-53

Michaela Grimm

Marketing / Unternehmenskommunikation
+49 7345 9614-44

Martina Lindner

German Armed Forces
+497345 / 9614 – 12


Ralf Theißen

+49 7345 / 96 14 –54

Mario Delle

Electrical / assembly
+497345 / 9614 – 27

Marco Bretschneider

Tank construction
+497345 / 9614 – 18

Sonja Jenewein

Switchboard / Reception
+497345 / 9614 – 0

Udo Bierwolf

Director of operations / Authorised representative
Director of operations north / east
+4933398 / 15423 - 0

Ronny Richter

Deputy Branch Manager
New vehicle manufacture
+495162 / 9819 – 17

Sabrina Ahlhorn

Switchboard / Spare parts sales
+495162 / 9819 – 31

Michael Böttcher

Mobiler Service BW
+497345 / 9614 – 41

Marco Van Zwol

Warehouse / Spare parts
+495162 / 9819 – 16

Johannes Lobert

Deputy Branch Manager
+4933398 / 15234 - 1

Dieter Seitz

Member of the SEMAT africa group

Villa no 36 Cite Urbanisme
Mermoz pyrotechnie
+221 78 ...
wdt_ID Name Position Contact for Telephone Email Fax Mobile Street Postcode/Town/City
1 Hauptsitz Langenau Switchboard Main Location +49 7345 / 9614 – 0 info@lindner-fischer.com Riedheimer Str. 34 89129 Langenau
2 Niederlassung Bad Fallingbostel Switchboard Bad Fallingbostel Branch Bad Fallingbostel Branch +49 5162 / 9819 – 0 info.lifinord@lindner-fischer.com +49 5162 / 98 19 – 18 Bockhorner Weg 4 29683 Bad Fallingbostel
3 Niederlassung Werneuchen / Seefeld Switchboard Werneuchen/Seefeld Branch Werneuchen/Seefeld Branch +49 33398 / 15423 – 0 info.seefeld@lindner-fischer.com Gewerbeparkstraße 10 16356 Werneuchen
4 Stefan Lindner General Management Sales Europe +49 7345 / 9614 – 0 info@lindner-fischer.com
5 Harald Doll General Management Sales Export +49 7345 / 9614 – 0 info@lindner-fischer.com
6 Sven Ahlhorn Sales Area North Sales North +49 5162 / 9819 – 42 sven.ahlhorn@lindner-fischer.com +49 175 26 13 015 Bockhorner Weg 4 29683 Bad Fallingbostel
7 Lars Parzanka Sales Authorities and Special Vehicles Sales Authorities and special vehicles +49 7345 / 9614 – 51 l.parzanka@lindner-fischer.com +49170 92 06 724
9 Alexander Wolf Sales Area South General Agent Wolf Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH alexander@wolfnutzfahrzeuge.de +49 170 81 80 010 Kurzberg 16d 87448 Waltenhofen
10 Rolf Bürgin KASAG Tankfahrzeuge AG Sales Switzerland +41 / 34 408 00 – 11 r.buergin@kasag-tankfahrzeuge.ch 0041 / 79 660 69 55 Sägerstraße 15 3550 Langnau / Schweiz
11 GLOBAL e Member of the SEMAT africa group Sales Senegal +221 78 116 93 35 dieter.seitz@global-e.africa +49 172 71 95 005 Villa no 36 Cite Urbanisme Mermoz pyrotechnie – DAKAR/SENEGAL
12 Alexander Rettich Spare parts & warehouse Spare parts & warehouse +49 7345 / 9614 – 16 mawi@lindner-fischer.com
13 Caroline Lindner Sales Germany Apprentices +49 7345 / 9614 – 29 c.lindner@lindner-fischer.com
14 Thomas Tamaschke Sales Export Sales Export +49 7345 / 9614 – 10 t.tamaschke@lindner-fischer.com
15 Michael Schultze Homologation, SFI Technology and production +49 7345 / 9614 – 38 m.schultze@lindner-fischer.com
16 Bruno Bösch Service / Repairs Technology and production +49 7345 / 9614 – 26 b.boesch@lindner-fischer.com
17 Mario Delle Electrical / Assembly Technology and production +49 7345 / 9614 – 27 m.delle@lindner-fischer.com
18 Marco Bretschneider Tank construction Technology and production +49 7345 / 9614 – 18 m.bretschneider@lindner-fischer.com
19 Marcel Sabeiczuck Repairs (Bad Fallingbostel Branch) Technology and production +49 5162 / 9819 – 11 m.sabeiczuck@lindner-fischer.com
20 Kevin Freitag Repairs BW Technology and production +49 7345 / 9614 – 49 k.Freitag@lindner-fischer.com
22 Pawel Drazkowski After Sales Service Export Service +49 7345 / 9614 – 15 p.drazkowski@lindner-fischer.com
23 Joseph Dezsi Production Export Technology and production +49 7345 / 9614 – 39 j.deszi@lindner-fischer.com
24 Ralf Theißen Production Technology and production +49 7345 / 96 14 – 54 r.theissen@lindner-fischer.com
25 Tobias Bendele Construction and development Technology and production +497345 / 9614-45 t.bendele@lindner-fischer.com
27 Martina Lindner Bundeswehr Bundeswehr +49 7345 / 9614 -12 m.lindner@lindner-fischer.com
54 Michael Böttcher Mobile Service BW Bad Fallingbostel Branch +49 7345 / 9614 – 41 m.boettcher@lindner-fischer.com +49 151 14 44 88 80
53 Sabrina Ahlhorn Switchboard / Spare parts Bad Fallingbostel Branch Bad Fallingbostel Branch +49 5162 / 9819 – 31 sabrina.Ahlhorn@lindner-fischer.com
29 Sonja Jenewein Switchboard Langenau Switchboard Langenau +49 7345 / 9614- 0 s.jenewein@lindner-fischer.com
30 Margareta Vogawitz Accounting / HR Accounting/HR +49 7345 / 9614 – 33 m.vogawitz@linder-fischer.com
31 Heinz Klamt Authorised Representatitve, Purchase and Materials Materials +49 7345 / 9614 – 0 h.klamt@lindner-fischer.com
32 Udo Bierwolf Authorised Representattive, director of operations north/east, branch manager Bad Fallingbostel Branch +49 5162 / 9819 – 33 u.bierwolf@lindner-fischer.com +49 5162 / 98 19 – 18 +49 170 85 32 921 Bockhorner Weg 4 29683 Bad Fallingbostel
33 Ronny Richter Deputy branch manager, new vehicle manufacturing Bad Fallingbostel Branch +49 5162 / 9819 – 17 r.richter@lindner-fischer.com +49 175 72 48 194
55 Marco Van Zwol Warehouse / Spare parts Bad Fallingbostel Branch Bad Fallingbostel Branch +49 5162 / 9819 – 16 M.vanZwol@lindner-fischer.com
56 Johannes Lobert Deputy branch manager Werneuchen/Seefeld Werneuchen/Seefeld Branch +49 33398 / 15423 – 1 J.Lobert@lindner-fischer.com
57 Heike Eichenfels Head office / Spare parts sales Werneuchen/Seefeld Branch +49 33398 / 15423 – 0 eichenfels@lindner-fischer.com
58 Werkstatt Niederlassung Werneuchen/Seefeld Shop Werneuchen/Seefeld branch Werneuchen/Seefeld Branch +49 33398 / 15423 – 4
59 Service Niederlassung Werneuchen/Seefeld Service Werneuchen/Seefeld branch Werneuchen/Seefeld Branch +49 33398 / 15423 -5
Name Position Contact for Telephone Email Fax Mobile Street Postcode/Town/City